Thursday, October 04, 2007

Feathers For Lunch by Lois Ehlert

This brightly illustrated book for children has more than just pretty pages to look at – it is actually a unique learning experience for future birders! Composed in clever rhyme, this book is the tale of a pet cat who escapes the confines of its house only to encounter several birds in the backyard. His attempt to catch any of the birds featured is unsuccessful due to the bell attached to the collar he is wearing. Each “jingle-jingle” gives him away and he is only able to grab a few feathers, hence the title. Each bird featured is identified by both the type of bird and the sound it makes. In addition, all plants in the illustrations are labeled with their common names. The last pages of the book are titled: “The lunch that got away” and all statistics describing the birds featured are listed. In addition, the very back cover flap is a bird check list for little ones to use. A fun must read for children (and grown-ups!) of all ages!

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