Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Borrego Valley Hawk Watch

The hawk migration is beginning in the Borrego Valley. The hawkwatch officially starts February 15, however the hawks don't watch the calendar.

During the past year several folks have shown interest in volunteering to help count the hawks. Now is the time to set up a day or days of the week to join the watch. You do not have to be an experienced hawkwatcher to help. As a volunteer, you would get on the job training with the daily leader. So please let Hal at Anza Borrego know of your interest in helping. They have leaders present at the watch 7 days a week 8A-11a.m. and also monitor incoming hawks every evening beginning one hour before sunset. Of course you do not have to volunteer to watch the migration. Join anytime of the season, February 15-April 15. The peak migration occurs during the last 2 weeks of March.

The day site is located 2.8 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive on DiGiorgio Rd. The evening site is located 1.5 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive on Borrego Valley Rd.

If you have interest in volunteering to help count the hawks, contact Hal at

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